Fox Theatre

660 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308

Resident Company(ies)
Seats 4665

These photographs may include works and designs that are copyrighted by others; used with permission. #darkhousesatlanta

Fox Theatre (Photographed July 15, 2020)

When I think of the The Fox Theatre, I think of Monday night movies with the Mighty Mo rising out of the pit. I think of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater during Valentines Week. I think of concerts and musicals absorbed in the ambience of the Fox’s beauty and wonder—in awe as the Jewelled Curtain rises and the music begins.

How does the sun “rise” on one side and “set” on the other? What makes the clouds and the stars float across the ceiling overhead?

Most of us never see the Fox’s Ghost Light. When the house is dark and the patrons gone, it dutifully shines from it’s place downstage center protecting the unwary from falling off the drop into the “stalls” or “orchestra” level where the audience sits—what the Romans called the “proscaenium.” We use the word proscenium today to mean the entire facade of the stage that frames the performers creating a plane separating the stage-world from the audience.

At the Fabulous Fox, the proscenium is as much a part of the show as the players themselves and the entire theatre seems to draw us into that stage-world where for a couple of hours we can suspend disbelief and join in to the story the performers are there to tell.

Due to the pandemic, the Fox is dark, like almost all theatre houses in town. Actors and stagehands and make-up artists and concessionaires are gone. The Ghost Light shines and only the ghosts themselves may play. Soon we hope to disappear when the curtain rises again!

Originally posted on Facebook, July 30, 2020